Friday, November 2, 2012

High Five for Friday

If you haven't found her yet, I am absolutely obsessed with Kate at The Small Things Blog. Her hair tutorials are my new favorite thing, and I'm catching myself putting together outfits like hers already :). She and her sister Lauren end every week with what they call High Five for Friday, to make sure and remember the best things from the week. (I'm pretty sure Lauren started it!) So here's my first High Five for Friday, for you!

1. I try not to make a big deal of this, for a variety of reasons, but I've struggled with my weight for basically my entire life. I'm not necessarily "obese," but I could definitely be smaller, mostly for health reasons. My family has a medical history full of diabetes, heart problems, thyroid issues... you name it! So I've been trying for a little over a year now to lose some weight and get healthier. It took a while, but I finally convinced Casey to join me! And I must say - it has been so much easier having him on board! Well, for about 6 months now, no matter how much I worked out, how well I ate, I have only gained weight. I found out that it was a medication causing it, and I have finally - FINALLY! - lost the weight it made me gain, and am back to my pre-medicine weight! I'm nowhere near my goal, but this is a small victory for me. :)

2. I started graduate school last week! It has been an insane couple of weeks already, but I'm so excited!

3. Casey and I were Belle and the Beast for Halloween! A friend and I made our dresses, and they turned out to be so awesome!

4. I made these cupcakes in honor of Halloween:

5. I got to spend all day in a library doing research today. My favorite!

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