Monday, October 15, 2012

The Philosophy of Blogging

"Blog": (noun) a Web site containing the writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other Web sites. (verb) add new material to or regularly update a blog.

Why do I blog? I believe we all want to have a voice - to use that voice to make an impact on someone. Anyone.

But what makes us think that someone else wants us to make an impact on them?

Why do we assume that what we have to say will be so profound as to somehow change someone else's life, for better or for worse?

We have to believe it. Otherwise, what would be the point? If we don't believe that we can, in some way, through our lives, make an impact on someone else, why do anything at all? Even the most selfish person desires to make an impact on others (generally allowing others to bask in the glow of their perceived awesomeness).

Therefore, we blog. We are suddenly able to touch people we would never have met before. We can spread our impact far beyond our small circle of influence. And hope that in some small way, we can improve their lives through the words we find inspiring.

Therefore, I blog. I don't expect to change the world through my words. I hope to make even one person's day a little brighter, interesting, or informed.

Here's hoping I begin to do this a bit more!

Much love <3